Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jaxton is in the Finals, please vote for him!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Birthday Party Favors and Decorations

Favors and Decor only - cakes and treats are on the baking blog with all our other creations.

My Little Monkey's (Jaxton's) First Birthday:

Monkey cups with circus peanuts, Monkey tootsie pops, Banana runts, Banana Laffy Taffy, Monkey Tattoos, Velcro monkeys hanging all over the house, Monkey balloons, plastic pineapple cups, coconut cups, chocolate covered dehydrated banana chips and banana cakes shaped like a monkey heads.

Jaxton's 2nd Bug Birthday - only got pics of the Bee Bags but we also did Butterflies, LadyBugs, and Inchworms filled with plastic bugs, bug catcher kits, bug gliders and coordinating Bug Tootsie Pops. Red polka dotted Ladybug balloons, Yellow Bee striped balloons, a Spider pinata, and antenae headband boppers. Followed up with Bug Cupcakes.

Scooby snacks boxes with lot's of groovy stuff and of course Scooby Tootsie Pops. Scooby Doo Mystery Machine Cake and no decorations as we went to the Bounce House this year.

HOT DOG Kolby is Having Parties now too. LOL, inspired by a cute weenie dog outfit I bought for Kolby - the irony is we didn't get any good pics in the outfit where you can even see the weenie dog. Doggie Bags with Oscar Mayer whistle, slinky weenies dogs, playduh, bubbles, and Gummy Hotdog candy. Instead of Jaxton's Tootsie Pops we decided Kolby would get Cake pops so he had dog cake pop favors. Weenie dog balloons, balloon hats, regular yellow and red balloons, Weenie Dog Cake and Hotdog shaped cakes.

Coming Soon......... Jaxton's Beach Party 4th Birthday

Just Some Things Jax and I Baked Up

4 year old Sand Castle Cake and 2 yr old Robot cakes coming soon......

Christmas CakePops

Weenie Dog Cakepops and Cake for Kolby's 1st Birthday

More "Weener Dog" cakes for Kolby's 1st Birthday

Scooby Doo Mystery Machine Cake for Jaxton's Third Birthday

We had Bugs at Jaxton's 2nd Birthday!!! Should have taken a side photo of the bee hive - would have been a lot easier to tell what it was but as you can tell by the ladybug smudge I barely got a pic before these were devoured.

Okay Jaxton didn't exactly help make these but here are some pics of his 1st Bday cakes.

This is How Boys Play Dress Up

Think this is my Favorite - he wanted to wear pot holders like on Monster's Inc. and then walked around saying my name is Mike Wizowski.

Kolby - Halloween 2008

Arrrgh - Captain Jax and Clark Kent, 2008.

My first little Guppy - this was Jax back in 2006

Oh yes and yet another picture Jaxton is sure to cherish one day when I show his girlfriend - 2006.